The Way We Roll

37: The Phil & Simon Show No 37 Career development for disabled people, are we too soft now and 'your chair is too big'.

The Phil & Simon Show Episode 37
In this Show Phil shares his concerns about TUI Holidays who have changed the rules on the size of the wheelchairs they will carry, this could have major implications for powered wheelchair users.  Linked to the travel theme Simon describes a hotel in the US whose definition of accessibility leaves something to be desired. Simon poses the question; is our generation just too tolerant when it comes to confronting disabling barriers and are younger disabled people becoming angrier? Martin Luther King, turning the other cheek, versus Malcolm X taking direct action We have both been running personal development programmes (PDP) for disabled people for different clients for many years. In this show, we share our thoughts about the importance, relevance and impact of these programmes. We end by asking our listeners to suggest songs that would make a great playlist for the PDP courses. Queen “We are the champions” is a Phil suggestion with Simon offering Ian Drury’s “Spasticus Autisticus”. What would you choose? Send us your suggestions to the Here's a link to the specialist holiday company Phil mentioned in our discussion Enable Holidays (  Transcription is available on request. Click here for the Itunes link or here for the Audioboom version  If you have any comments, feedback or suggestions, please email us at ( . We hope you enjoy it.You can visit the Phil and Simon Show Facebook page follow us on Twitter @PhilSimonShow (